Water and Sewer System Capital Improvement Plans
The GCSD is planning many future improvemnts to the water and sewer infrastructure. In order to adequately plan financially and otherwise, Master Plans (up to 30 year timeframe) are developed to look at larger system improvement and upgrade needs to improve efficiency/reduce cost, maintain regulatory compliance and provide capacity for future connections to the systems. Capital Improvement Plans, or CIP, are developed to chart the course for system improvements in the five year horizon, consistent with the Master Plan.
The District is currently updating its CIP, and has finalized plans and environmental review/permitting for the Downtown Big Oak Flat/Groveland Sewer and Water System Upgrade Projects with construction on these projects expected to occur in 2020. All improvements completed are funded with customer rate dollars and up to 75% state grants.
The engineering firm Wood Rodgers is completing the update of the Water and Sewer Master Plans, which are expected to be completed by December 2020.
Water and Sewer CIP May 14, 2019.pdfGroveland BOF Sewer System Improvements Maps.pdfGroveland BOF Water Distribution System Improvements Maps.pdf