Skate Park
A Skate Park in Groveland has been a community dream for over ten years, and its construction was only made possible through generous donations from local residents. Charlie “the Can Man” Heath collected aluminum cans to help build the funds needed for a skate park. GCSD joined the efforts in 2004, offering a site for the skate park on GCSD land in Mary Laveroni Community Park. Groveland Area Involved Neighbors (GAINs) offered to help Charlie’s Skate Park Committee by acting as their fiscal agent.
Over the years, the fund steadily grew through fundraising and grants from the Sonora Foundation, the Tony Hawk Foundation, and local merchants. After raising over $100,000, the skate park was finally built with volunteer labor in June 2007. It is now the center piece to youth activities in Mary’s Park, which includes a basketball court and the County-operated youth center.