
The GCSD domestic water system consists of approximately 70 miles of water mains, 530 fire hydrants, 2 water supply booster pumps, 2 treatment facilities with clear well storage, an emergency water supply treatment plant, and 5 water tanks throughout 11 different pressure zones.

The GCSD wastewater collection and treatment system consists of 16 sewerage lift stations, 35 miles of gravity mains, 7 miles of force mains and a recycled water treatment plant, 2 storage reservoirs, and approximately 16 acres of spray fields.
Fire Protection

The Groveland Fire Department covers 14.7 square miles including Groveland, Pine Mountain Lake, and Big Oak Flat. In downtown Groveland, Station 1 houses three fire engines and one utility truck. The Big Oak Flat Station houses 1 apparatus and 1 small fire engine is also stored at the County-owned building at the Pine Mountain Lake Airport. The Groveland Fire Department consists of a Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Administrative Assistant, 3 Engineers, 3 Firefighters, and a team of more than 30 volunteer and reserve firefighters. The Department provides support and mutual aid to the Tuolumne County Fire Department, the California Department of Forestry, and the U.S. Forest Service. Groveland Fire responds to medical aid calls, vehicle accidents and vehicle fires, structure fires, smoke checks, vegetation fires, all other types of fires, and offers public assistance.

GCSD owns and operates Mary Laveroni Community Park, Leon Rose Ball Field, the Groveland Skate Park, the Groveland Basketball Court, and the Groveland Dog Park. GCSD is also home to the Tuolumne County owned Groveland Youth Center.